Top 5 Study Tips for College Students
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The main goal of attending the college is undoubtedly education. And if there is a thing that could make your education useful is the way how you learn and study. If you’re doing it effectively, then you’ll get an excellent education, which will help you to achieve success in real life. On the contrary, if you don’t know how to study, you may end up wasting years of your life. Can you tell that you’re studying efficiently and correctly? In order to uncover your full potential I have gathered the best tips to help you study better.
Organize Yourself
Don’t think that organizing yourself means becoming an organization freak. You don’t need to plan your month by hour or write mile long to-do-lists – organization is not about that. In fact, it’s much easier – plan spots to study in your schedule and stick to it very scrupulously. Of course, sometimes your schedule can get a little bit hectic, especially near the finals, but that’s the price you pay for knowledge. The main enemy of organization is procrastination and that’s when you need your will. Since the hardest thing is to get started, don’t think about how to start, just start! If you can put studying first, you will achieve academic success easily.
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Choose Your Studying Style
Each person is unique and you cannot apply the same method to your study. Some people like to study alone, some - in the groups. There are people who need to learn everything by heart, while others need to have study guides. There are students who better memorize by writing, whereas there are those who better absorb the information by hearing. Some students study better in the morning and some in the night. You have to explore yourself and understand what studying styles make you the most productive. Using these studying styles will increase your academic achievements dramatically.
Start Early
There’s nothing cool about studying all night before the exam and coming to your classroom exhausted and irritated. Trust me, I did that and it didn’t work well. Instead, start preparing for exams at least one week in advance. Keep in mind that the earlier you start the better, because your brain will have more time to memorize the necessary information.
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Get Rid of Distractions
Planned to study and got lost in Facebook newsfeed instead? How familiar is that! In order to avoid it, get rid of all distractions – turn off your laptop and cell phone, close your door and focus on studying. If you like to listen to music while studying, better choose songs without lyrics.
Take Breaks
Studying for 3 hours in a row is a bad idea, because your brain can’t be productive for so long. Better work in 20-60 minute chunks and take 5-10 minutes break. Giving yourself a break allows refreshing your mind, which increases your memorization potential. Just don’t spend too much time on breaks and get back to work maximum in 15 minutes. And one more thing – breaks are not about sitting in Facebook, they’re about walking around, listening to your favorite music or having a healthy snack.
Make these habits a part of your identity and reach the heights of academic success!
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