Tips on Writing a Good Movie Essay
To write well, we should have a clear understanding of what to pay attention to, what to analyze and reveal in our specific writing assignment. The subject of our discussion is the basic steps of writing a movie essay. Have a look at further tips to compose a movie review correctly.
The process of creating a movie essay consists of four integral parts of implementation, which are watching a movie, gathering information, analyzing, and composing.
Not to spoil your first impression of a movie, it is advised to watch it without previous investigations. Though, reading a short summary or some basic facts concerning a year of the production, a country, and a cast of a movie are beyond the restrictions. Such information is considered as general facts and won’t contain any spoilers or subjective critics that might evoke certain emotions.
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Next step is called preparation. Ideally, a movie should be watched at least twice, so the first is devoted to emotional experience and the second to analysis. However, if you lack time or are limited in time, write down a list of points you have to pay attention to while the very first view of a film: setting, acting, music background, costumes, plot, and etc. Next, gather more detailed information about a movie: direction, writing, cinematography, awards, key topics, and etc.
Gradually, we come closer to the part, where all your notes, all the picked up facts and impressions should be analyzed. On this level of writing a movie essay, though, students get stuck as are usually driven by feelings they’ve experienced while watching. Instead, analyses require our sound sense and ability to dig deeper, beyond the emotional level of perception. We should be able to provide reasonable arguments, give vivid examples, and be as objective as possible in order not to pass the wrong, or better to say our personal, impression on others, who will read our review. After a thorough analysis of a movie, you should have the answers to, at least, the following questions: time relevance, contact with the audience, explicitness of the plot, major topics and conflicts, and etc.
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As a rule, after dealing with the mentioned above steps, it is much easier to actually write a movie essay following its standard structure scheme: the introduction, the main part, and the conclusion. Keep in mind that all your review should be based on and supported by facts from a film and, preferably, be written in an engaging capturing way regardless the fact you, personally, liked a movie or not. Your aim as a reviewer is to be objectively critical and interesting to read.
There is one more confusing detail we should take into consideration while writing a movie essay, which is the correct usage and formatting of the title of a movie within your review. Every time you write a title, make sure you italicize it. Don’t underline, write it in bold, brackets, or quotation marks. Use italics only!
And remember, the pledge of a good movie essay is your awareness of a film’s plot and cinematographic background, deep analysis and structuring rather than expression of your thoughts under the influence of emotions. Improve your movie essay writing skills with our tips or turn for writing assistance to our 24/7
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