The Way to Start a Research Paper Successfully

The Way to Start a Research Paper Successfully

The thing that you should eventually figure out in the process of investigation is what to write about in the introductory section of your research paper. It creates the first impression and defines in which way a professor will perceive your writing.  That is why you should do your best to present your title and introduction in a manner that will light the sparkle of interest in your reader. Here are some ideas of how to come up with a fascinating and intriguing beginning in academic writing.

What Is Introduction Aimed at?

This part of writing is crucial to get going. It serves as an opening for the finding to be revealed further. A writer should catch the readers' attention in this paragraph to motivate them to look through the essay from A to Z. What is more, it assurance of getting a satisfying mark.

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The Essential Elements to Include in the Paper

There are the components that you should definitely include in an introduction.

  1. Title.
  2. A sentence to catch a reader, for example, a witty example, a joke or a quotation.
  3. Some background to set a scene.
  4. A thesis made up of two or three sentences.

There is no chance to have a killing introductory paragraph without a well-formulated title related to the chosen topic.

Bring in Some Background Data

Avoid telling too many facts that are only slightly connected or not related to the topic at all. This will sound overwhelming and improper. So, prepare the details that will help a reader to get familiar with the subject you undertake. Consider some problems that a reader may encounter and add the essential info at the beginning. With this in mind, you may also interpret some scientific terms and puzzling expressions.

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Get Ready with the Review of the Literature

Your knowledge and vision of the issue are not enough to compile a scientific project. Dig deeper with the help of related literature. Reviewing the corresponding sources, you have a chance to gather a number of arguments to support your claims.  Then, you should have the materials for citations, quotes of the scientists who work in the field. This is the right way to make the text clear and objective. You may use an online search or a local library. The point is to find the appropriate number of academic works discussing the same problem and aspects related to it.

Reasoning Matters

A rationale of your paper should be concise and direct. You should remember that the message to deliver is a call for action because of a particular issue. Make it clear why the topic should be investigated. It depends on you what method you choose to invite the attention of the audience. One of the options is to apply a hook statement. Its function is to highlight the theme you have opted for. If you cannot define the element that is weightier, try to insert both of the tools in your essay.

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Here are the literal strategies to use in a hook sentence:

  •  An anecdote
  • A quotation of a famous person in the sphere
  • A rhetorical question
  • A metaphor or simile

Approach Transitions to Make the Text Smooth

Transition words work well to link the ideas and make them connected with a strain of logic. These phrases work like guidance for a reader leading to each next section.

To conclude, a successful introduction brings an issue in the limelight, it states the plan that a writer is focused on, makes a reader interested and acquainted with the terminology of the subject. You are halfway there if you are aware of the ideas presented in the article.

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