The Main Ideas of the Movie Bowling for Columbine

The Main Ideas of the Movie Bowling for Columbine

Michael Moore, an American filmmaker of documentaries and the author who won the Oscar, has produced an outstanding documentary that made him popular and world-famous. Nevertheless, this movie became known and worth mentioning not only due to the rewards and prizes but also because of the main concept the director highlights to the viewers who watch this film. What is more, the author uncovers many prejudices that American culture possesses and makes a huge impact on the life of American nation. In addition, Michael Moore claims that these biases are extremely dangerous and may result in appalling consequences like the Columbine massacre.

First and foremost, the director tries to emphasize what violence has done to the youngsters and to all people living in America. The entire movie stresses the fact that guns in the USA are easily accessible. Thus, the absence of control over this kind of weapon brings about horrific results. The first part of the movie begins in Michigan where you see a bank that allows its customers to take hunting rifles provided that they make a deposit. As it can be seen, the director chooses a really expressive example that makes the cruel behavior of Americans known. Michael Moore made it clear that system of security in America is out of control because guns and other kinds of weapon are available at any time. Furthermore, the director does not show the whole picture regarding bias against productiveness of the weapon control system. He simply draws our attention to the fact that this system does not work properly and lets the viewers judge about the security system in the USA. So, the probability of Columbine massacre is very high.

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Frankly speaking, even the name of the movie speaks for itself. It reveals the prejudice regarding the level of responsibility of those who are in charge of the security system. As a matter of fact, bowling symbolizes the fact that not only Bill Clinton was responsible for that tragedy but also local militia. It appears as if those people who possess the highest authority, like presidents, politicians, etc., are guilty of all our troubles, but this film has dispelled such a widely known myth. Our problems occur because of indifference and poor level of education that causes violence and cruelty.

As a final point, the director uncovers the prejudice regarding the law enforcement agencies that, as most of Americans think, take the usage of guns under control. It is important to mention that when two young inhabitants from Oscoda, Michigan were interviewed by Michael Moore, they told him that guns are easily available and you can get them without any problems even if you live in a small town. Thus, it is quite apparent that police are totally irresponsible and do not do their work properly.

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To conclude, through the movie, the director reveals the poor level of control of gun usage and distribution and also shows biases about protection of the USA. To add, he emphasizes the risk of having second Columbine massacre. Testimonials

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