The Best Online Jobs for College Students

The Best Online Jobs for College Students

Most college students need a job to get some extra cash. Some of them turn this idea down because they think that it’ll take too much of their time. However, they don’t consider online jobs.

Taking Online Surveys

It’s a very simple method to make money that requires no specific skills. Basically, in this kind of job you get money for expressing your opinion, providing feedback on certain products or services, and saying what you think about certain issues. Of course, such a job won’t make you wealthy, but it’ll give the money enough for a college student.

Freelance Writing

It’s one of the best online jobs for college students that can later turn into a successful career. You may find this job on such websites as:

  • Elance
  • Online Writing Jobs
  • iFreelance
  • Craigslist
  • Freelance Writer’s Den
  • oDesk

Freelance Photography

In case you’re good at taking pictures, you can make money out of this skill. Use such websites as ShutterStock, Stockxpert, Fotolia, iStockPhoto, or ShutterPoint. Create an account on any of them and upload your pictures. People will pay to be able to download them. Quite simple, isn’t it?

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General Freelance Work

Except for writing and photography, you can do a lot of other things on freelance. Take a look at the following websites and consider them to find the job you like:

  • iFreelance
  • oDesk
  • Elance
  • Craigslist

Buy and Sell Stuff

Find good deals for purchase (say, buy a set of videogames for a ludicrous price) and then sell them for a higher price. Take advantage of Craigslist. Look for the cheap or even free items people give away because they don’t need them or because they’re broken (and can be fixed).

Data Entry

Engage yourself into outsourcing tasks and writing audio or transcripts. It’s very simple: you get files and enter the data. You can find this kind of job on such sites as Capital Typing, Virtual Bee, TDEC, or HEA-Employment.

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Customer Service / Sales Representative

This is not a 100% online job but still allows you to make money at home using only your computer. It’s a good option if you don’t mind talking with customers over the phone or chat. Try finding this kind of job through:

  • West at Home
  • TeleTech@Home
  • Exact Customer Service
  • The Connection

Use ETSy

Sell the things that you’ve made with your own hands. It can be any arts and crafts that people might like. Think if there are any things you can create for sale – whether it is knitted accessories, toys, gift card, etc.

Start a Blog

Think of a subject that interests you and start a blog. It’s rather easy to make money out of your blog using advertisements and selling affiliate products by recommending them as your favorites. Don’t forget about regular updates of your blog articles. Go ahead and try any of these jobs! Testimonials

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