Simple Essay

Simple Essay

If you are assigned to write an essay, you will require some writing skills and creativity. Essays are one of the most frequently given assignments to students in different educational establishments. Various kinds of academic papers differ by their complexity depending on the discipline or the course. For example, senior students are generally assigned to more complicated tasks than freshmen. To become more skilled in writing different types of academic papers, one should start with writing simple essays.

It is imperative to consider that even though an essay seems simple, it should stick to a certain structure and a set of academic requirements and standards, comprising the rules that govern the list of references and the formatting style. The writer must avoid plagiarism and cite all of the used sources in accordance with APA, MLA or other academic format that is applied in certain school or specified by the professor.

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Types of Essays

Essay is defined as a short written piece that describes a certain event or subject. An essay may include or omit author’s thoughts depending on the assignment. When the topic of the paper is chosen, the author has to decide on the use of one of the four primary kinds of essays: expository, argumentative, analytical, and persuasive.

An expository essay should describe an issue, event, theme or idea and may feature the writer’s personal response to the subject. An argumentative essay has to prove a particular opinion through the use of arguments and objectivity. It should also base on scientific evidence and avoid writer’s personal points of view. An analytical essay has to provide a critical review of other works: books, movies, plays or presentations. A persuasive essay should directly affect the readers and convince them to adopt the author’s position on a certain issue.

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Essay Structure

In order to make the essay writing simpler, you should divide the paper into three main sections: the introductory part, the body, and the concluding part. Any essay consists of these parts, no matter what kind of paper you are assigned to write.

In the introduction, you should write several opening phrases that shortly describe your topic. To make the introduction effective, make sure to include a “hook” sentence, which can easily catch the audience’s attention and support it with a strong thesis statement.

In the body of your essay, you have to concentrate on describing the primary event or theme. This part always includes most of the information and has to consist of about three paragraphs, each focused on a certain topic.

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The concluding part is the final of your writing. Here, you have to provide an outline of your main idea and a brief summary of the information presented in the paper.

A simple essay does not have to be oversaturated with information and must be easily readable, comprehensible, and laconic. The main aim of any essay you are assigned to in high school or college is to reveal your writing skills and creative thinking. Testimonials

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