How to Write an Explanatory Synthesis Essay
The process of synthesis writing contains two the most important types of essays. The first type is called an explanatory synthesis essay and the second type is called an argumentative synthesis essay accordingly. The central purpose of the first type (an explanatory synthesis essay), which is named according to its functions, is to describe the main theme. The principal object of the second type (an argumentative synthesis essay) consists in providing the discussion about the particular issues and supporting the main arguments.
The main aim of the explanatory synthesis essay is to present the information about the particular theme. It could be done when the reader gets the main theme with the writer’s help in a methodical and clear manner. This kind of an essay also does not try to support one view. It aims to show the information in a well-managed and understandable way.
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When you work on an explanatory synthesis essay, you should remember to make a division of the subject into constituent parts. Firstly, compose an introduction. Write about the theme of the essay there. Let it be understandable from the first words.
This type of an essay needs a lot of clarifications and additional items whereby the reader can have a clear understanding of the main theme. These clarifications appear in the body of the essay. This part of the text is divided into subtopics so as to make rational descriptions of the main theme. It is needed to make an explanation of the purpose, the situation, and what this essay is about. The private experience that has a connection to the theme could be used if it is related to the structure of the essay.
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In the main part of the essay, it is needed to prove the significance of the theme with the help of some reputable sources. They are the best tool in delivering information to the recipients. It is better to choose the right sources. When you present the information, you should do it objectively. There is no place for feelings and thoughts in the explanatory synthesis essay.
Considering it, you need only reliable sources. They should be able to give full and truly information about the theme of your essay. The kind of an essay we are talking about usually requires three different sources to maintain the theme.
As a conclusion, it is necessary to explain the recipients the main points of the theme avoiding making a discussion out of it. The main aim of the essay is to make the theme so understandable that the readers could not fabricate something else.
Explanatory synthesis essays do not need feelings and thoughts concerning the theme the writer is dwelling on. The writer should stick to the main purpose and precise order to keep away from losing the theme because it plays most important role in the explanatory synthesis essay.
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