Fresh Ideas of Accounting Dissertation Topics

Fresh Ideas of Accounting Dissertation Topics

Although writing an accounting dissertation is already challenging enough, you should approach the choice of a topic with particular care because it has an enormous impact on your results. In fact, a successful topic is a guarantee of the student’s good mark. On the contrary, a topic that is too difficult or not interesting for a student will turn the already demanding writing process into a nightmare. To ease the choice for you, we have prepared a list of good accounting dissertation topics that you can use if you run out of ideas. The list has been created by our experts after careful analysis and thorough selection.

Top 3 Most Suitable Topics for an Accounting Dissertation

Will International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) enhance the usefulness and presentation of Numbers?

IFRS denotes the accounting policies and procedures that are recognized globally. Since different countries follow their own accounting rules and present financial data differently, investors were challenged by the necessity to define the financial strength of an organization. Therefore, IFRS was implemented. Nowadays, all companies have to meet the same standards when preparing their financial data. As the result, it has become possible to compare accounting figures of different companies all over the world. The International Accounting Standards Board is responsible for IFRS. We recommend this topic because it is interesting and because there is voluminous literature on it so doing the research will not be tough. Sarbanes-Oxley Act 2002 as the Result of Insufficient Internal Control and Rising Accounting Scandals in the USAOver the course of the last 20 years, the US has seen many big scandals, such as Cendant Scandal in 1998, Xerox Scandal in 2000, or WorldCom in 2002 to name a few. Having examined the nature of the scandals, PCAOB concluded that insufficient control is the primary reason for accounting scandals in the country. With this in mind, the thinking tank of the board issued a new act in 2002 ? Sarbanes Oxley Act. The Act obliges the companies to meet additional reporting standards with the aim of reducing accounting frauds. In particular, the Act obliges all public companies in the USA to make a CEO’s Financial Statement (in addition to the general Financial Statement) and publish a report on the Internal Control policies evaluation.

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The Results and Economic Impact of Regular Tax Changes

The dissertation on the topic would analyze the impact of the regular tax changes on the economic development of the country. The Government introduces the changes to boost the economic growth. Nevertheless, having regular tax changes means that the national economy planning can be affected. While reduced tax rates lead the increase in investment and savings, they should also be accompanied by a decline in spending in order to avoid a serious budget deficit.

You can use these topics as they are or create your own topic based on these ideas. Consult your dissertation supervisor to make the final choice. As you can see, your accounting dissertation can be both interesting and useful!

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