Discursive Essay Writing

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The major idea of composing a discursive essay is setting arguments. You have to make readers discuss your essay presenting various points of view. Discursive essays have a lot in common with argumentative and persuasive ones, though it is an individual kind of paper with its special features.
If you are assigned to write this kind of academic paper, you will have to explain different points of view. You should learn all of them and show that your own opinion is also worth paying attention to, even if it is very clear and simple. The main point that differs discursive essays from persuasive and argumentative essays is that the writer does not have to prove his/her words with any evidence. In this type of paper, the main support is author’s mind.
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What You Should Do to Write a Discursive Essay
As it was mentioned before, you have to set discourse in action. The first thing you should do is to select a proper topic. Then, you will have to get as much information as you can about the thoughts of your opponents and ideas of those who share your opinion. Thoroughly examine what they think and use it in your writing.
Here is a simple list of points to do:
- Choose a topic to discuss;
- determine your opinion;
- learn the opinions of your followers and opponents;
- explain why your viewpoint is acceptable for you while other ideas are not;
- select arguments and evidence.
It is worth mentioning that although giving proves is not necessary, it does not make them unneeded. If your opinion is supported by any evidence, it enhances your point of view and helps you look wiser for readers.
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What You Should not Do while Writing a Discursive Essay
Essay writing is not such an easy process as most students would like it to be. It has numerous underwater stones that you have to omit. Remember that you must not be rude while working on your paper, instead show how polite and wide-minded you are. Arguing does not mean expressing no tolerance to your opponents.
Thus, while writing a discursive essay, you should avoid the following:
- Dramatizing your principal opinion;
- closing to one and the only point of view;
- pretending you are smart and wise while the others are not worth attention;
- pointing to the facts you are not sure about;
- using words, which may sound offensive to others.
In general, you simply have to state your opinion in the essay. Remember that such paper does not have to be overloaded with contradictory facts. The truth is always born in a dispute. However, if the passions are out of control, truth evaporates.
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