A Biographical Paper Example

A Biographical Paper Example

My name is Mike. I am a student. I am a tall young man with light brown hair, an oval face, and blue eyes. I like to wear casual clothes such as jeans and T-shirts; I prefer sneakers too. As for my character, I think I am a rather modest and calm person. My friends tell me that I have a good sense of humor. I like everything related to outdoor activities (sports, games, and active leisure time).

I have a lot of friends and acquaintances with whom I spend almost all my free time. I love helping others and see how they become happy with my support. I like kind, polite, honest, reliable, and responsible people. I study art in college. It is a very interesting and cognitive activity. In addition, I draw pictures and like classical music. Creativity helps me to express my feelings and attitude to the world.

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The Autobiographical  Essay Writing Goals

There are many cases in which it is required to write a biographical essay. For example, if you look for a job, most likely, in addition to a resume, you will have to create a paper about yourself. Such a work can also be a way to express your creativity and show your positive personality traits.

How to Write an Autobiographical  Essay

It should immediately be said that there are no special requirements for writing autobiographies. Therefore, you should follow the general requirements for writing an essay.

Your paper should not be very voluminous. Try to be concise. The maximum amount of the text should not be more than 1-2 pages. As practice shows, long papers will not help you open up in the eyes of the reader - they are likely to produce the opposite effect.

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Written text should not contain errors; the general form of presentation depends on the purpose of writing the essay. When viewing your biography, the reader will pay attention not so much to the facts yet to how they are presented. For this reason, the competent speech will allow you to score "additional points."

All events described by you should be presented in chronological order (logically and consistently). That is, it is impossible to go to your work experience immediately after the story about the school, skipping other educational institutions, or to talk about the place of work first, and then mention the education received.

The information about yourself, presented in the biographical essay, should be truthful. The inclusion of erroneous or inaccurate information may prevent you from getting the desired job (or achieving a different goal) and creating a bad reputation.

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Rereading and Editing

Editing and correcting are very important things when writing an essay about yourself. Read your paper, pay attention to inaccuracies, and correct all errors. It is not enough to read the work once. Check your essay at least three times. Make sure you use the proper style of speech. Now you know how to write an autobiographical paper correctly.

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